About this Page

I want to create a page that shows you how to eat more preventive in terms of diabetes, heart conditions, and overall health. Since I am also Gluten free (as per celiac disease), I will try to get in terms of what this means to different people. I also have diagnosis of Autism so I will try to write about that in the context of food and diabetes and gluten free.

Basically you will see:

weekly food adventures and listing of my online purchases,
lists of online vendors reviewed, foods' taste and durability and use reviewed

Posts - Planned

Personal Gluten free Blog with pictures  - Bi-weekly -  potential to go .com

Reviews with ratings

A) Ingredients

B) Ratings:
Likeablility of product to Non gluten free food - How it really is better
Enjoyment while eating
Uses? - location - e.g. parties, picnics, children...

C) Photos showing eating and pakaaging

D) company info

Special SECTION: How to have  a better diet - Low Sodium, No saturated Fats, Gluten free

Special SECTION: Autism and Gluten free - and Autism and Good eating habits
Scientific Articles - and Hearsay
Parenting Articles

Advice  Articles for Parents and children

Other special sections
