Part II: Tainted as IMPURE, while also now Capitalistically PURE


 I was adopted in a ceremony on the corner of central avenue in the city of Venus. On The sidewalk. It was actually next to a sidewalk that people came to see a boy arisiong out of a tunnel. To be be sealed, after he came out, grimy I was, I looked as a begger.

Theose trashy udnegrround people! Cried some of the crowd,
Scientific minded people! Trash! IA gree
Back to wok, some of them said, this is awaste of time to see these people come up..
Our society is already perfectly pleasurable without them…

A baker stopped his cart and he stolled, calkming, to the back to the cart, And looked around Ito see if anyone ay sa him. A little fellow came out holding free loeaves. TO be thrown ony they said. And they cried out with their own words of wison toth the two of us, COmign up th etunell. One long, tired looking lady, with panthouse up to ther thighs, seemed, - he blue eyes immense, and me, Jordan.

The older lady, beside me would turn out to be snimpeortei elady because she begot a child – Lucy – who I will get to shortly.

A capisitilis Banker with his colleges came stolling of the nearest big building

There wasa  dancer girl beside me, I remember that becaue she ws cute. Really cute.

 The place was crowed, there wee lights. I had come through this. I had not yet found it in myself to know my present surroundings, my pulse was racing, my eyes dancing. I awa smiling. That was no doubt, Was I happy or excited and waning out, away from my father;s arm and my mothers voice?

I said there as to be a announcement, Down there, in the tunnels. I certainly saw a lot of tunnels and people in them. They weren’t monsters, but they weren;t pretty either.  People eating themloooing disarught and then seeing these Business men, peressiding over this routine event – this ritual. THe smoke thie air, welcoming the new Capislitists from factories. The suburb’s forest was flowing from the tree to tree.

The men awere everywhere. They thought hemselves sma or intelligent, Forlorn. They sat. And I listened. I wanted to see them for who ther ye weerlay rwere, But I went into the surgery of  new life, so quickly. I never understood the capilistic mind from this day.

People gave me milk. I rfused it at first, I thought it mirky and too moist, had on my paleete. Ilooked back at the teunnl, the feelings had not settled yet.

Thte cottages were laid all in rows, and then big condos, with treacherous sounds of oher being made  made by l igt.

After my gaze warred within mysef and theen outwards towards the others, at the buildings and plants, and even at here was a hairy priest, with  hairy face, and long arms, muscular and long legs, muscular, so he kind of looked like a big spider.

I was neither disspointed or hard on myself. The roses were in my hair if you like I stole no ground, Heard no calling to come up. I just knew I would like it. That was aenough! There would be friends, friends I could see, it would be arlight I told myself.

What did I leave behind?

Dreams, comforts, childhisi pursuits, physical labour, tough labour. Maybe a few sexy dancers I would miss seeing.
Was I projised my the society? My something else, a hatred for it? A secret loeve?
A passion of my heart, sasid nothing < bwaueca I was too busy looking aroun at the shapes of buildings. And th number of people. They were not joyfull or sorrful> They were neutural. But happy. I had never known  any other Civliization, this was civilized society. So was it ausccess to have reached here And to have the deicison to want to go furhte, deeper into its outlay, or leave?

My mind was Charging. To a new rnhymn a new beat, to a snew surrounding and human.

I wat to be loved, to be interested in things everyone else likes , because emost of the time everyone else is right about the interest sin Life. Who knows life completely? Who walks out of the tunnel of birth andsees everything like they wanted? Or even cares? Probably not many.

Do I want to e rrbeel for being a rebel? DO ifefeel guilty, because it feels good, so therefore

With a lot of crystal material on him. He had a dire stare, a cunning voice, and people often tell me he swore a lot too.

Everyone wore these things called “dark goggles” for the dust and wind and for when the sun was just so large on the horizon. We lived on the surface of the planet-the sun was seither a huge sunrise and sundet.

I remember besides everyone;s hands, being very clean and their cheeks puffed out and their eyes shocked like they had seen some new anxient discovery of the planet

The planet, that was it! I though I could see everything, marvel all day, enjoy it, But you know what the eldery say: You cannot saty still long enough in this age.

When I looked arou

that everyone had  on slim pants – and othrer Jogging and business appearl of our Capilistim age- slim coats, slim sleeves, slim hats, that covered over our ears and eery facial feature if we wanted. They were our “helmets” with a surveillance drone built in. They were called singular pants, or linear pants, sometimes. They wee used for both running and businesses trades or even meetings. People did not sweat. Tpeopoe did not blink to the heat that had been here before we colonized the place.

The air used to be so pressured and hot that no one could survive after one breath coming from an earthern spaceship.

 But tnwo everyone on the street corner, including the preist that did could breath the air naturally because after considerable atmospheric changes since colonization the air is free of Carbon dioxide ad nuslufrur.

“They had come up from the hidden tunnel, somewhere beneath the makeshitft sidewalk. There are only a few of these still in operation.” THe long- nosed, cnning priest said to the crowd before lookin even at me held by my parents. We were being given water and utriton.

Free to enemies of the state, the propaganda ran.

Really everything is perfect on the surface of this planet too. There are planets, and naimals

 We could live here for a very long time, if our greenhouses, and our terrformed forests and introduced animals do not suddenly die out. Who says that would happen? There is enough water and oxygen being produced in the upper atmosphere, falling down on us, or floating down, as molecular ocygen. We hae been left behind in the earth communication for years. Even mars. We are alone and we like I tha way. Because we are not lonely, we only starev after money.

I dsociovered that after I touched the TV to open its diaply one aftersnoon I was home alone, in the first grade of “early child business school and other topics”,

On TV were usuallyr eaxing landscapes wih the fancy colours and lights around the screen. My favourite was the managed play forest.
The froest was smooth outsie, there were no prediators, not large ones anyway. Maybe a dog,. But it was peaceful, the mist and the hazy atmspphere floating down sometimes, crushed nder its own weight, like thousands and millions of metoros. _ its hard to say reallyw aht happens on my panenet.

The instruction was about forests and how to keep them safe for children. But then they started talkg about earth. ThYE as in the presnetors- a woman and a mna.
On that planet, we know they had hundreds of peicies, long and small, fat and wide. These forests though are our own and rprotect us and give us something we need: identity.

The forests also provide money comminutes use the forest many different ways. And you, and your panrents buy into them through shares. It’s fun. One day you will find out how fun it is! Not to walk through it, but to buy it! Everything hasa  symbol , a icon, that makes it better-

The ceremonies were happening a lot in those days. They still endured sciensits lineage children and sasid they could enter into schools. I was one of those lucky ones. I do not remember learning much before moving to the surface, that was because there was not much light for public education – only the super rich scientists had light but they also had many family. There reallyw as such things as super rich anyway. Still they found in themselves to giv me a flashlight one holiday – and my parents could teach me at the night hours at he foudnations of math, physics, chemistry….

I remember getting my hands dirty with th eatth at different strata and learning about the atmospehere , which they siaid was no Known to us, the bipron, underground. I had many sisters and brothers though, who had seen it. I was unlucky is that respet, and often lost in family trivia contests, and in memory exercises about scientisific facts. But I still learned something. And I was graced with a joy for learning and understanding.

The only other people I met down there- were my collegage also getting hom education – we had to fend for our lives everyday agans the tormid rats nad other creatures- creatures rbought from us from eaeth but also Venus creatures of the dark – Morens, Rates and Thoriums. The latter are the most dreadad ith big teeth and smelly odors, The modens smell the worse though and the Ratoes steal and scavenge more than anyting, keeping us awake benweth our makeshift beds and towels from sheets. Our family house growing up was wooden- The tunnel was 20 feet high. But wwe have o runch down sometimes. We shared food. We ate the rats, the modens, and ratoes  But never the troiums they were still to dangerous even after a hundred years fo acciomplished living down there.

- the reclaiming of the early born scienstist children- children who had yet to have known the difference of hat they were trading. He surface versus beneath the ground. Underneath were supposbly Pits. Everything was assumed, and supposbly. Everyoe was expert on the trechsneous terrin. There were moist lava areas,  Noone knew for certain but all agreed it would be a terrible life and one worthy of those pesky sciensits who had ruled the world for so long.

Here, the priest, was symbolizing the return of a child to Pure Capitalism from the enemy of Venus, science. I was still unnamed. The new family was giving the name.

My old parents  standby - they looka round at the dust, the low winds, and the huge sun on the horion. The sun will last for 180 days. Or 180times 24 hours. They already know the hardships of the undegrrund they tell everyone, who is interested. There are several. A young accountaint comes up asking what is ther isto be hgained living done ther, wy not die? Another a abanker0 Arrives to the couple, a pleadily guility look – That he was aespoinsble alone for the ostraoization. He is well dressed, and has blue eyes- His chin is curved, and has almost no muscile mass. He is though ery heaviliy and all of his libs are perfectly aligned.

I did not vote for thr eolvution. I of coifrse chose to live up here, and become a capitalist but I have sicientisit cousions who I know I will never see agin. Plesae, though if you see my father, give him my love, his name was…

There are another handful of people like this who approach and ask about family historie

The adopted serice, stately run, has done many of these. But the eoctor or the service looks over to o at the couple. He thinks: Why are they so healthy, how dolc they maintaint this over the years?

They look healthy enough for 415 years of age.

But they are sitll wrangled and warped through time, their skulls crunshed in. hey have beautiful false hair, nutiritens planeted there, have to e mainiated every hour of the day. Their limbs hang out, but they are still strong enough to move freely. They must return to their underground homes soon. Noone kneow how they rejuvengate so well and look so young.

“You over-saw the original terraforming of our planet/.. I’d like to know ”, an interested capolisit entreperenur says to the pair .A nearby  authority guard though turns him back after hre heards this questioning..

He is pulled around but the couple still respond beside the chaos
eYEs  we did.

He has a kindly gait as he strolls around the service table. His head is a loff, an fnot all all elderly in his gaiApeearance. His hands aere well ept and smooth, free of wrinkles. Most of his body is free of wrinkles ecept his face and his left arm. He tells some people interetse din his core and hest that they are detriroating quickly and will probably kill him – finally. He had a good Sense of humour about this..
I have a long time to think of what happens after you die. All the possibilities.
He comforts his wife.

“You cannot intrude beyond questions dealing with the adoption service- nothing of the past, nothing of asiciitic nature must be discussed! I will demerit you if you deicid to contoniute to question”

He turns around, this youthful boy, of only 18, only just graduated the school of capiclilstm, the same r school that all young boys and girls attended…He is large built, handsome, with a thin smile, and triangular eyes, his curly hair is brown, but he was a loyal and simple statue that offsets his more feminine appearance than most men on Venus. He only smiles now and leads off with some of his friends, towards the downtown of the city.

This service will end soon. I only need a few signatures here on this device- to allow official swearing in of this baby as a Citizen of the pure Caplisistist State and Planet Of Venus. His greasy beard, and flashing eyelids did not hide his captivation of the child. He had heard a lot about him , are least of his parents.

A small child,  two years older than the baby, a girl with golden hair, and sparking eyes, witness the proceeddings

Are there any objections?

Soon after several of the priests and presitesses

THey were large and fat, and gresotegque, with snargly eyes and large hands. They stumped outside.

They were from the same brotherhood as the cunning preist arrive in a ground transport- but shout out:

IT sit not a good thing to have too many little scienitists in our world now, Brother Charlie. It has only been a century sine the OStraziation. We say there are few too many disavantages than avdnatges….

Now, now, my friends, this baby will be cared for and nutured unte rh capoilsitis tendenies. Let us not bring up the past and let this child go free and live heaility onto our lands.


A day takes 253 longer than on earth on Venus. So you get to know the Sun – if you have the proper eyewear- the proper slim helmet in other words. You get to know and observe- you will wish and you were scientific minded-  the seas of Carbon dioxide, and sulfuric gas that have shaped the landscape before human terraforming years ago

The foggy night s they are eenloneraed. I sense this. And that is that.

, The shapes and curves of the volcanoes hit by that esame angle of light for a long time. It’s good being an amuterur sciensit here, even t minded firneds too. It’s hard to decide which lifestyle is better” pleasure and partying over science and discovery.

 The planted anials and vegetion Earthern, The clouds, they have to know these things too and live by this time to know how to survive and keep us humans safe and alive.  We at least know this much about life scycle here on our planet. A giant city of 50 million people covering the space of France.

Intro to Venus cities/History of Planet

They come in and have replacements every so often; have a limit however; they access the store of remains after age 16 of long ago human adolescents and wear these limbs and bodies; soon though, their souls must die
Their mothers and fathers are stock brokers;
They seek evidence for an eternal life 0 secure – because they seem to think they can control their world through pleasure 

Storms – and Lost cities, ruins, once huge populations, once scientific and even magical people – curious in some regard

The administrators come to the conclusion- a trance of a certain working routine creates an addiction—i.e. stock broking -- and forgetfulness of the big questions – that this is the best lifestyle that can be created for its citizens.

His other neighbourly advntures included crawling around the dog pen.
